csb Members

Meaning of Icons in each member-profile:

Associate Prof., IIT Guwahati

Soumitra Nandi

The theorist.

Assistant Prof., Bangabasi Evening College

Sunando Kr Patra

The statistics and computation guy.

Post Doc. Fellow, IIT Guwahati

Aritra Biswas

PhD is mainly on the decays of Charm quarks and mesons. Research areas thereafter has been 1) Semileptonic B decays, 2) Effect of certain symmetries and their breaking on the 2-body non-leptonic decays.

Post Doc. Fellow, CCNU,
Wuhan, China

Srimoy Bhattacharya

PhD deals with anomalous signatures in B decays. Planning to work on generic-model-dependent interface of particle and astrophysics (e.g. dark matter). 

PhD Scholar,
IIT Guwahati

Sneha Jaiswal

Precision extraction of CKM matrix element 'Vcb' and SM predictions of observables in semileptonic B decays. Working on  missing higher order (non)perturbative corrections in inclusive semileptonic B decays.

PhD Scholar,
IIT Guwahati

Lopamudra Mukherjee

Phenomenological implications of flavour data in the dark sector physics. Specifically, to explain the flavour anomalies in the presence of dark matter and study the associated collider signatures of such models.

PhD Scholar,
IIT Guwahati

Ipsita Ray

Model dependent and independent global analysis of deviations in semileptonic B decays and inverse model-selection of allowed new physics through novel statistical analyses.

PhD Scholar,
IIT Guwahati

Shantanu Sahoo

Analysis of new physics beyond the Standard Model using machine learning, especially self-normalized neural networks.

PhD Scholar,
IIT Guwahati

Lipika Kolay

I am currently studying lepton flavor violating decays and anomalous magnetic moment for different models and dark matter phenomenology for those models.  

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